Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Meaning of Life, From the Thoughtful Perspective of a Child

Before I became a full-time mommy, I worked in a private daycare center. I handled all age groups, ranging from 8 weeks to 8 years of age.

One day, one particular 8 year old was really grating on my last nerve. She just wouldn't behave, and it was making life stressful for not only the teachers and T.A.'s, but also the younger children.

Finally, I just could not take it anymore. So, I told her to sit in time out. She pushed me to tell her for how long she would have to sit there, so I said, "Until you can tell me the meaning of life!"

Now, I wasn't honestly going to have her sit there all day. Technically, we weren't allowed to have them sit in time out for longer then five minutes at a time. I just needed time to cool off, and for her to know that she couldn't get away with whatever it was she was doing (this was 7 years ago or so, I don't remember the exact offense).

A few moments later, she called me over. She told me that she had figured out the answer to my question. I was a little more then skeptical that an 8 year old had figured out the meaning of life, but I did tell her that she could get out of time out by giving my a pensive answer, so I awaited her response.

"To live," she told me. It was so simple, and yet so very compelling. My irritation with her antics faded quickly. I thought about her answer for a few seconds, and told her she could get out of time out and go play.

To live. The more I thought about it, the more her answer not only made more sense then anything I'd heard from a great many philosophers and intelligent adults, but it also brought more peace. From the lips of a rebellious child to my ears - The meaning of life is to live.


Unknown said...

I love this. If I were crafty in any way, I'd put in on a needlepoint pillow, just to remind me. :-) Thanks for sharing it.

Wren said...

That's the most awesome thing I've ever read.

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