Monday, July 7, 2008

Attempting to Define Paganism

You, or your child, may run into situations where you'll have to define what Paganism actually is. Most of the time, it's just a lot easier to discuss your families own personal beliefs, as they specifically pertain to you. But, sometimes, you'll have to give a more general definition (online, or perhaps at school even).

It can be a very difficult thing to describe to someone who doesn't identify as Pagan. Hopefully, my little tirade below (which is a reprint of an article I wrote on Xomba), will help you in your endeavors to define it to people who may not know what it is. Or, who, worse yet, believe it to be something that it definitely is not!

The dictionary has a few definitions for Paganism, all of which are pretty vague. One such definition simply states that any religion not part of the big three Abrahamic faiths is deemed Pagan. However, I have yet to meet an individual who counts themselves as strictly Hindu or Buddhist who would identify themselves as "Pagan". So, for the purposes of what I'd like to talk about here, I'm going to be sticking with the people who would be most likely to identify themselves as "Pagan".

Even Pagans will tell you that "Pagan" is an umbrella term, used to refer to a vast number of individual faiths (much like "Christian" doesn't say which denomination or Biblical interpretation one adhere's to). Most of the individuals you'll find who will identify as "Pagan" though, will be reconstructionists (those who are attempting to reconstruct more ancient spiritual paths, as best and most accurately as they can in present time), Wiccans, or those who are more eclectic in their beliefs, but whose beliefs are largely not Abrahamic in origin.

Pagans come in all shapes and sizes, and most have very different ideas of God. Some believe in many gods, some in just one, some that all gods are one, some in none. And on and on it goes. One thing that most Pagans do have in common is that they don't believe in the Devil (at least, not the character presented in Christian mythology). Considering how difficult it is to worship, honor, or otherwise pay homage to something or someone you don't believe in, they are not Devil-worshipers. In fact, you'll often find that telling them they are "actually worshiping the devil" doesn't go over so well. And, frankly, it's not something I've ever been able to understand, considering that the Bible makes a clear distinction between "The Devil" and the gods worshipped by other peoples, in both the old and new testaments.

In a nutshell, that's what Paganism is and is not. It's a little vague, I know, but probably much more descriptive then anything you'll find in an dictionary. Basically, Pagans are just people. They are people who are searching for what they believe is the right spiritual path for them personally to follow. They are people who believe, or know to the best of their ability, that they have found that path. And, their path doesn't include most of what's found in Abrahamic religions. That's pretty much as detailed as one can get, without going through all the various beliefs held personally by all the Pagans in the world (but, I guarantee that even if I were capable of doing that, you would be asleep by the end of this article. I know I would!).


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