Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Holidays Vs. Holy Days

Yes, I realize that technically holidays ARE "Holy Days". But, for many of us, there is a fairly distinct difference between the two. Holidays can be considered more of a fun social event, where as Holy days are most definitely religiously significant.

I was reminded of this today while thinking back to a friend of mine; who made this distinction between the two words upon being asked why she, a Pagan, celebrated Christmas every year. As she indicated at that time, Christmas was fun and filled with presents, Santa, yummy treats, and so on. Why should any of us miss out on some good fun?

Sure, maybe we're not celebrating the religious side of Christmas. So? What does Santa have to do with Jesus? Stockings and presents? Santa Claus? And, of course, there's always the yule log and the X-mas tree with the shiny ornaments. These things, among others, are indeed Pagan symbols, not Christian ones.

But, for me, in the end it has nothing to do with religion at all. At least, it doesn't any more. It's become commercialized, like many holidays. And, now it's just a really fun social event and a wonderful excuse to spend some quality time with your family, exchange gifts that you and your recipients have been wanting all year long, and so on.

And, Halloween is a fantastic excuse to wear an awesome costume and get free candy from strangers (well.... I mean.... I have to meet the neighbors some how, right?). And, Easter is a great time to let the kids go on a fun little treasure hunt for colored eggs and chocolate bunnies. And, so on.

On top of all that, I get to use every single social holiday, at my own discretion, to have a fun history/religious lesson for the kids! I could discuss the fertility symbols present during Easter and how it correlates to the Spring Equinox. I could have a marathon talking session regarding the original reason for wearing masks to ward off evil spirits around All Hallows Eve, or why I feel much of the symbolism is rather sad and shouldn't be seen as such a negative thing. I could use song references to the Yule log, at Christmas, to discuss Asatru. And, so on and so forth.

So, rather than get upset that ancient holidays were "stolen" by another, I prefer to look on the bright side and try to have fun with it. That way the kids are happy to dress up as super girl and get candy, I'm satisfied that they've learned something, and I get to use it all as an excuse to ignore my diet. And, that's just full of win! :)


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