Monday, September 22, 2008

Who Do We Thank on Thanksgiving?

Most people think that I'm weird, because I have my children (and all guests) thank the thanksgiving turkey before we eat it.

In my belief system, I find it important to do so however. This animal had/has a spirit just like we do. And, it's life was lost so that we could live. I think it's only appropriate that we thank the animal for having given it's life that ours may continue on in health.

Does that sound weird?

Here's more fuel for the fire then, I also have my children thank the trees in the front yard after having taken something from them (a leaf, or blossom).

My kids are still very young, 6 and 4 respectively. But, I believe that having them do these things is good for their development, spiritually if nothing else. Yes, I believe that they should find their own path. And, I'll not be upset with them if they decide that (my) Paganism isn't the path they are meant to be on. But, my hope (and I really do think that it's working) is that this (asking them to thank various living things for various reasons) will teach them a great respect for life, in all of it's many forms.


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