Sunday, August 10, 2008

Various Pagan Paths and Some Definitions and Resources


Pagan is an umbrella term, used to label/describe a variety of religious paths and ideas/beliefs. In it's broadest form, it can include any religion that isn't either Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. Though, I have yet to meet a Buddhist (among many other religions) who would call themselves Pagan. And, though Asatruers are often labeled as "Pagan", they tend to prefer "Heathen".


A 'reconstruction' religion, is one that is currently attempting to reconstruct an ancient religion. As such, most have limited resources on precisely how the original religion was practiced in ancient times, and exactly what was fully believed by the original peoples who practiced said religion. Reconstructionists do the best the can, with what they've got, essentially. The reconstructing of the religion is largely based on whatever writings, archaeological finds, temples, knowledge, etc. has survived through the ages, and what is researched and concluded by scholars and scientists in regards to the way the culture and religion worked at the time it was in place. The religion in question is then typically molded to fit modern times. NOT changed, mind you, but modern day culture (such as restrictions on acceptable animal sacrifice) is taken into account when reconstructing the religion for feasible practice in the modern era.


I haven't done too much study on this particular religion, other then researching and writing a paper on the legend of Gilgamesh. But, I'll do my best to provide links to information that seems as trustworthy as I can find, given my ignorance on the subject.

Sumerian culture and religion

Sumerian/Mesopitamia culture and religion at

History, contributions, mythologies, etc. of Sumer


In order to legitimately claim the title of "Wiccan", one must be initiated into a lineaged coven. You'll only be able to obtain the 'inner court material' (protected by oath) this way, and fully grasp what it is to be Wiccan. So, much information cannot be obtained by merely reading about it. That said, I hope that I can provide some very basic 'outer court material'/information on the rede, and tenets, through more knowledgeable individuals who've written it online, though these resources can be difficult to find, given the number of people who've taken the path and run with it to their own version. Never mind the fact that it is a mystery religion, and as such is rather mysterious as to what is believed, until one is initiated.

Article on the Wiccan Rede, on witchvox

Wicca and Witchcraft on religious

Asatru (Norse Heathenism)

This is the reconstructed religion of the ancient Germanic peoples. If you're looking for some reading material...

The Asatru Alliance

Asatru Folk Assembly


Kemetic Reconstruction (Ancient Egyptian Religion)

This is the reconstruction of the religion practiced by the ancient Egyptians. Like Asatru, much of it is conjecture (or inner feeling/message from the divine), with many of the ancient writings and oral traditions having been lost through the ages. Perhaps even more so, as the religion of the ancient Norse was kept a bit more 'in tact'.

One could go Orthodox in this religion, or not. Here is some material that will give you a good idea about what it entails...

Kemetic Orthodoxy Contains many indispensable resources, and a free class one can take online to further their knowledge.

Ancient Egyptian Proverbs

An Article on Tales of Magic in Ancient Egypt (based on papyri found)

An unorthodox church of Kemet

Hellenic Reconstruction (Ancient Greek Religion)

There are a couple different ways of looking at this one. Hellenismos tends to frown upon the practice of magic, but magic was a big part of ancient Greece, at least in earlier times.

Hellenismos - one branch of Hellenic Reconstruction, that appears to be most popular

A nice article, with a great many scholarly resources on the subject

Magic/Witchcraft in Ancient Greece

Reconstruction of Roman Polytheism

Here are some resources which seem reliable, given what I know of the religion of ancient Rome, and what I've studied/researched.

Article on Witchvox (scroll to the bottom for indispensable resources)

Temple of Religio Romana

Celtic Reconstruction

Deiuokara (Reverence of the Divine) - These guys aren't CR (Celtic Reconstructionists), though they are attempting to reconstruct the religions and culture of the ancient Celtic peoples. They do distinctly separate themselves from CR though, given their differences in how to go about this. For more on this distinction, see their FAQ. They are included here only because they are involved in the construction of a Celtic Pagan tradition, but they are not CR.

A Celtic Reconstructionist Gateway This one is really incredible for so much information on CR. Be sure to check out their FAQ.

Another Witchvox article, again, scroll to bottom for some great resources


Unknown said...

Hey, Larisa, you sure did a lot of research for this. Very cool info. I wanted to point out, though, that not all legitimate Wiccans are initiates of a lineaged coven. There are many solitary practitioners who have never even met another Wiccan in person, but who rightly call themselves Wiccans because of the structure of their beliefs and practices. And there are Wiccans who have created new traditions that are just as valid as established ones. A broader definition of modern eclectic Wicca can be found at -- just click the link on the left that says "What is Wicca".

Thanks for all these links -- great resources.

Wren said...

Cool links - I will be looking several up! ;-)

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