Thursday, July 3, 2008

Book Review ~ "The Herbalist of Yarrow"

"The Herbalist of Yarrow" - A fairy tale of plant wisdom, written by: Shatoiya De La Tour, is a book I bought a while back for my eldest daughter. She's very into nature spirits, herbology, botany, etc. She may only be 6, but these interests have been obvious for quite some time now.

This book is really amazing for a child who loves plants of any type, or shows an interest in herbology. I would also recommend the book for a child that is showing less appreciation for nature then you'd like, as a way to get them more involved, interested, or even more kindly in that regard.

The actual story is fictional, but the book features recipes for various salves, teas, tinctures, etc. that are very useful, even for us adults. To that end, I would say that the book is able to reach a wide variety of age groups. My daughter is just six, and she loves the story. I'm 26, and I love the recipes.

In front of the book is a map of "Yarrow", which I feel makes the world the book presents more "real" feeling, and more fun to read about. Much like "The Wind in the Willows" did for me as a child, when I saw the map of the featured fictional world presented in the front of the book.

I whole-heartedly agree with the blurb on the back of the book, and I quote, "The Herbalist of Yarrow is full of fun and adventure with many pleasant surprises for the child in all of us. There are recipes for teas, herbal baths, and other healing remedies for preventive family healthcare. Gorgeous full-color illustrations by Pamela Becker create an engaging learning environment for child and parent. Ideal for 'sharing time.' A great gift."


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