Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Boy/Girl Scouts Alternative For Pagan Parents

We all want our children to have fun growing up, socialize, get involved in extra curricular activities, etc. But, as a Pagan parent, some programs may be shut off, or not coincide with what we want for our kids.

The boy scouts and girl scouts, for instance, are supposed to only accept children from families that proclaim a belief in one supreme God, and no others. This can be a bit of an issue for kids and parents that do not adhere to one of the big three Abrahamic based faiths.

This is why I was thrilled to discover the Spiral Scouts. They were formed as an alternative specifically for Pagan parents. They are co-ed, and seperated by age group. There are "dens" so to speak all over the place, though they are still fairly new, so there aren't as many as there are boyscout meeting locations.

They accept children and parents from all walks of life, so even non-pagans can benefit from the program. And, it just looks plain fun! I found a group of spiralscouts not too terribly far from where I live, so I'll be looking into it further, and testing it out with my little ones. When I have a bit more personal experience with them, I'll be sure to update you all on what I've found.

In the mean time, this is a quote directly from their website:

"SpiralScouts™ International is a program for girls and boys of all faiths working, growing and learning together. Making its public debut in February of 2001, SpiralScouts™ International has grown into an expanded program available to anyone world wide. We now serve youth throughout the US, as well as in Canada and Europe. "

And, you can take a peek for yourself, and find a group meeting near you, here...


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